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Anatomy and Physiology: Home

Health Data Sources

Connecticut Public Health Data Explorer

Portal to search statistical health data from Connecticut, including environmental factors such as water and air quality. 

Connecticut Data Collaborative

A central portal to access a wide range of data from federal, state, local and private sources relating to the health, well-being and economy of the residents of the State of Connecticut.

Connecticut Department of Public Health

Statistics and research from the State of Connecticut government. 

City of Bridgeport Health Data

Research hub for city of Bridgeport health data.

Healthy People 2030

Healthy People 2030 sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. Dig into their data on this site. 

State Health Facts

Data on health factors and outcomes in each US state. 

Credit your sources!

Be sure to exercise good information ethics by giving credit for all images, data, and information that you find online.


All of our databases are IP authenticated for on campus use.  

When using the databases from home you will need a password. 

For access to database passwords click here. 

Need help?

Need help with your research? Email Mrs. Myles, your Librarian, to set up a research appointment. 

Upper School Librarian