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Marine Science: Taking Notes and Citing Sources with NoodleTools

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Noodle Tools  -- New resource for creating your citations, notes and Works Cited page.  Your teacher will let you know the appropriate citation format for that subject area.  Generally,  English uses MLA, History uses Chicago and Psychology and Science use APA.   

Already Have a Noodle Tools Account? 

Log -in with your Login and password.  

You may also have to validate your account by putting in the log-in and password for our school account.  Our log-in is the name of our school and the password is sls2010.  

Three Easy Steps  to create an account 
1. Create an individual Noodle Tools account.  Initially use your most common log-in and password - then create your individual log-in and password.

2. Create a project -- name it anything you want. 

3. Click on Bibliography -- then look on the tool bar for create a citation and choose the appropriate resource type.
*Your teacher will let you know if they want you to share your Project with them.  

If you have difficulties using the program,  the librarians are happy to help.  Noodle Tools also has a helpful FAQ page


To print your bibliography do this!

  1. Click on MY LISTS.
  2. Click on the list for this project.
  3. Click on PRINT.
  4. Click on EXPORT AND PRINT.

Making a New NoodleTools Account

What is a citation, anyway?

Why Students Plagiarize

Why students plagiarize 

NoodleTools Basics


One of the keys to citing correctly is knowing what it is you are citing. Are you citing from a database with original content (ie ABC CLIO), with reprinted reference book information (Gale Virtual Reference Library and others), from a magazine, journal (EBSCO  is all journals), newspaper (ProQuest Historical Newspapers), website? How can you tell?

The databases provide clues in their citations, no matter what style they are using.

If the information from the database includes:

  • a date of publication as a year and includes a publisher, it is most likely a book or reference source. Reference Sources include anything with the words Encyclopedia or Dictionary in the title.
  • a full date of publication, including day, month, and year, it is most likely a newspaper. Also if the title of the source has the words Post, Times, or the name of a city in it, it is probably a newspaper.
  • a season and a year indicates it is probably a journal.
  • a month and a year indicates it might be a magazine or journal. Sometimes magazines have complete dates too.
  • When in doubt, Google the name of the source!