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Necessary Targets - St. Luke's Theatre Company: Home

Necessary Targets

Necessary Targets is a play by V (formerly Eve Ensler), based on interviews conducted by the playwright with women who survived the Bosnian War. 

Join the St. Luke's Theatre Company for their performance of Necessary Targets on April 26 and 27, 2024.

Aftermath and healing

Many organizations are working towards healing after the Bosnian War, including: 

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is a women-led, peacebuilding organization and research center dedicated to fostering a culture of peace and preventing violent conflict in the Western Balkans. 

Remembering Srebrenica is committed to educating young people about the Srebrenica genocide and the valuable lessons that we must learn for our own communities.

Common Threads Project supports survivors of sexual and gender-based violence by uniting psychological care with an ancient practice found in diverse contexts in which women come together to sew their stories onto cloth, to disclose the unspeakable atrocities they have experienced, and to support one another. Common Threads Project integrates this tradition with best practices from trauma-informed therapy, bodywork, and psycho-education.

More stories of the aftermath of the war:

Participative reconstruction as a healing process in Bosnia

How’s life in Bosnia thirty years after the war? 

Amnesia Grips a Bosnian Spa That Served as a Rape Camp

Violence against women during the Bosnian War

Sexual violence was used as a widespread tactic during the Bosnian War. Estimates of the numbers of victims range in the tens of thousands.

Gender-based violence during other armed conflicts

"In armed conflicts raging around the globe, soldiers and paramilitaries terrorize women with rape, sexual and other physical violence, and harassment. These tactics are tools of war, instruments of terror designed to hurt and punish women, wrench communities apart, and force women and girls to flee their homes." - Human Rights Watch 

Civil War in Sudan (2023-present) 

Kosovo War (1998-1999)

Tigray War in Ethiopia (2020-2022) 

Rwandan Genocide (1994) 

Srebrenica Flower

The Srebrenica Flower is a symbol of the July 11 massacre in Srebrenica. 11 petals represent the date, white represents innocence, and green hope for the future.

Making these flowers is an act of remembrance. Read more about a flower-making activity.