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8th Grade Research: Copyright & Citations with NoodleTools

Copyright and Fair Use - Why use Citations?

Academic Integrity and St. Luke's Policy

Reasons students plagiarize


The St. Luke's student handbook has guidance on academic integrity, copyright, plagiarism, and citations. 

Creating a New Project

Citing a book on Noodletools (print and eBook)

Citing an SLS Database

Citing a Webpage

Exporting Citations to Your Project

In-text citations

Click the link below to read the basics on doing in-text citations. If you quote of paraphrase (say in your own words) someone else's work, you must give them credit!

In-text citation basics 

Slide from: https://www.slideshare.net/JohnTylerWritingCent/mla-in-text-citations-64635024

Citing an image

Click below to find information on how to cite an image from a book,

a website, or a database

How to cite an image

Slide from: https://mville.libguides.com/c.php?g=370027&p=5932225