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Foundations of World History: City-States (Poleis)

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Start Here - Lists of Poleis

This Wikipedia page has a list of 164 of the city-states. 

This Wikipedia page has ancient Greek cities and some poleis. 


Britannica has information on most city-states

Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece

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Search in this eBook for your city-state in the box on the right:

Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World

Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World, Third Edition

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A map of Greece showing the Aegean, Cretan, and Adriatic seas. Various ancient Greek city-states are depicted in bright colors. The map shows some of the many city-states and includes the places that various characters from _The Iliad_ and _The Odyssey_ are supposed to have come from.

(Map from Khan Academy)



Ancient & Medieval History - Infobase

Ancient and Medieval Eras - ABC-Clio

World History in Context - Gale

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